In my late 20’s and early 30’s, I sadly responded “no” to most of my girlfriends’ weddings. It is a fact that haunts me to this day. I remember driving 2 ½ hours to my dear friend Katie’s church ceremony, seeing her blissful and gorgeous, just to do an about face, and head back to the venue to be on site for two weddings I had booked that evening.
It’s a part of the hospitality life that plagues us. When others are partying, we work. On holidays, we cater to other’s families, and yearn to be with our own. Nights, weekends. But lately, you can see, hear and be a part of a shift.
In the Winter 2021 Catersource Magazine article, 25 Positive Predictions for 2022, I had the privilege of sharing what I see as a huge positive industry change: the development of the work/life balance (page 29).
This past July, industry leaders gathered at Catersource Miami and had one of the most insightful conversations I have ever been a part of.
Brilliant professionals like Warren Dietel (Puff ‘n Stuff Catering), Paul Neuman (Neuman’s Kitchen Events & Catering), and Robin Selden (Marcia Selden Catering & Events) passionately discussed how to engage top talent and break the stigma of the hospitality lifestyle. These business owners were not sitting by and letting headlines claim this life is undesirable.
I shared with my colleagues the story of Katie’s wedding, and as a typical human, make choices based on my personal experience, I explained that I had vowed to my sales team I would never let them miss a friend’s wedding. If they wanted to be there, and it was important, a team member or I would cover it. A small gesture that meant a lot and set the stage for teamwork. They always knew, one day, it would be their turn to collect on the favor. But this promise required having more sales members than the bare bones minimum.
“The Bullpen. That’s what that requires,” Jim Zilli (Zilli Hospitality Group) replied. “If the Yankees played all the same players from start to finish each game, they would never win. You need relief when your team is exhausted.”
Sales assistant and sales concierge positions are being added to maximize productivity. Sales directors are rewriting job descriptions to manage the expectations of their staff, as responsibilities and structure was dismantled during the pandemic. To establish the importance of working together and common success, team targets are being added to comp structures.
Anyone in the hospitality industry will tell you, when that adrenaline rush surges through your veins, and you are able to see the fruit of your labor every single day, there is no life more rewarding than ours. So, let’s keep that and still have rewards outside the office.
And that’s what Rainmaker Sales and Marketing brings to our clients, the mentorship and know-how on having a happy, balanced team, who hit every goal and support one another and the business.
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